01246 260981

The Loading & Unloading Specialists

01246 260981

Wheel Risers

Wheel Risers
Wheel RisersWheel Risers

Product Details

  • Thor Aluminium Wheel Risers are used for exceptionally high docks or low-bed trailers/vans. When backing lorries onto the Wheel Risers, the vehicle will be brought up to the dock level, thus allowing the efficient loading and unloading of goods.
  • Wheels are fitted as standard to all Wheel Risers (see fig. 2), for easy movement.
  • Total max. load capacity is 5400kg per unit
  • All models have a top deck length of 610mm
Model Details Height
Overall Length
Price Each
WR-1845-6 150 1120 457 24 POA
WR-2445-6 150


610 30 POA
WR-1852-8 200 1290 457 30 POA
WR-2452-8 200 1290 610 38 POA
WR-1859-10 250 1465 457 37 POA
WR-2459-10 250 1465 610 45 POA
WR-1866-12 300 1630 457 45 POA
WR-2466-12 300 1630 610 54 POA